National Seminar on
Understanding and Responding to Violence
Indian School of Ecumenical Theology organized A National Seminar on Understanding
and Responding to Violence at Ecumenical Christian Centre from 6 to 8, October 2010 Rev. Reji Samuel, the in charge of ISET and coordinator welcomed the participants. Rev. Dr. M Mani Chacko inaugurated the seminar. Fr.George
Muthalil, Director ISI, in his key Note address on ‘Violence and State’
highlighted the issues nation is facing today. After the lunch, Child Right
Trust(CRT) an NGO did a presentation on Violence against Children. In the following
session, Rev. D. Jebaraj, CIT, Chennai
presented a paper on Violence and
Scriptures from the Bible. In the second
day, Dr V.S. Elizabeth , from National Law School University did a presentation on Gender
Based Violence' in the second session of the day, Akkay, and team from Sangama, an NGO working
among the transgender community , shared their experience as a transgender .
which was an eye opener to all the participants.
After the linch,
Prof. Dr. G. K. Karanth, Institute for Social and Economic Change brought a lecture on Violence to Migrants. In
the last session on the second day, Dr M. Stephen , FTS, Manakala brought a paper on ‘Violence to Dalits and
Tribals’ On the third day after the Eco
friendly Worship Dr
.George Zachariah presented a paper on Response from Theological Ethical
Perspectives. The program came to a close with the concluding remarks by Rev.
Dr. Mani Chacko.
Rev Reji May God continue using u blsd
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