29 Jul 2013

National Workshop on Holistic Child Development

Holistic Child Development
Consultation for pastors and Theologically educated
August 2009

                    The National Workshop on  Holistic Child development
 25-27 August 2009

 Rev. Reji Samuel Welcomed the participants and Introduced the program . Dr. Mani Chacko  inaugurated the program  He  highlighted the following points in his talk.

I. Children Do matter

Bring forth about the desperate conditions of the Children in India.
Children are experiencing the discrimination in all the spheres of society and church.
 Their rights are not the matter and even insignificant.
   Brought forth 10 principles, this provides holistic child development
 Discussed the two Beacons of light in Holistic Child development
 They are DR.Maria Montessori and Jesus Christ
 Challenge is that it requires right perspect and recognize the child as “wonder”
 We should be “ The Champions of the Children”
 It is you and me.
 Create an environment for the healthy growth
                 Enhance the ability to grow
                  Affect the life of children

          Mr. Thomas Swaroop from Compassion International   
 II. Identifying Children –in- Crisis in India- An overview of the trends and responses
                    Addressed as it is a  appreciate time to think the needs of the children as they   are vulnerable in all the respect.
                  They are exploited due to the poverty
                Children issues are discussed as below
Ø  Malnutrition
Ø  Health
Ø  Out of school
Ø  Drop out from the school
Ø  Child laboring
Ø  Street children
Ø  Girl Child
Ø  Child trafficking and prostitution
            Advocated some steps towards achieving Holistic Child Development  goals.

25th August,2009
Mr. Thomas Swaroop
*      III.Understanding  Children in Poverty

v  Why care for Children
·         1. Children Have rights
·          God’s concern for Children
·         Children are our future
·         Children being marginalized
·         To analyses the issues
·         To explore the possible solutions
·         To determined and involved

v  Challenges of Children

o   Poverty
o   Malnutrition
o   Street Children
o   Child labor
o   Out of school
o   Girl Child
o   Child trafficking and prostitution

v  Contributing factors
§  Poverty and unemployment
§  Drug abuse
§  Expansion of organized crime
§  Corruption
§  Low status of Girls
§  Moral decay and depravity
§  Access to pornography
§  Lack of Education
§  Lack of political will.
v  Impact
ü  Long- Lasting diseases
ü  Violence
ü  Drug addiction
ü  Unwanted pregnancy
ü  Malnutrition
ü  Poverty
ü  Death

Rev.Lawrence Mangalrajan  from compassion , Chennai

Models of Holistic Child Development

1.      Understanding of Poverty and Development
Poverty as Deficit
Poverty as  capability depravation
Poverty as denial of choices and opportunities
Poverty as a lack of access to social power
Poverty as Entanglement
Poverty  as pronounced deprivation of well being
Poverty as multi dimensional and complex
Poverty is in inclusive, cultural, social and political and economical in nature.
                  Poverty as Broken relationship ( Myer)
2.      Some theories of Poverty

3.      Some theories of development
      1. Development as Growth
      2. Development as Human Development
                        3. Development as Human rights and freedom
      4. Development as Well- being
      5. Development as restored relationship
      6. Development  as Transformation

v  Partner Development outcomes

¨  Demonstrates effective vision and leadership
¨  Mobilizes resources
¨  Establishes efficient structures and management
¨  Reflects local ownership
v  Holistic Development
        Economic /Educational


26Th August,2009( Wednesday)
4th Session

Ms. Anita Kanaiya  ( Oasis)

Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation

v  Child  trafficking
Two real life stories
Young people may run away but Children
90% Children live in India in the world
India2007: Study on Child abuse
 Physical abuse
Social abuse
Emotional abuse
Neglect of Girl child

The findings
 Sexual abuse
11 MILLION Children live on the streets.
 Strongest character of Children is Trust

Commercial sexual exploitation
  Child trafficking
 Children make up half the number of people trafficked each year 1.2. Million
 Parents sell children for as little as Rs.1200
 Traffickers circle natural disasters sites looking for orhphans
Trafficked children are forced to become prostitutes, soldiers, camel jockeys (Middle East), and factory workers.
 How Children are trafficked
 Pretend to be benefactors of the families of the victims

v  What are Children trafficked for?

 People are trafficked for
Ø  commercial sexual exploitation
Ø  Begging
Ø  Military service
Ø  Forced illegal adoption
Ø  Forced marriage
Ø  Religious prostitution
Ø  Sex tourism
Ø  Pornography
Ø  Trading in organs
Ø  Drug trafficking

1 out of the world’s malnourished children
v  Other form of sexual abuse
·         Incest-  Incest between a child or adolescent and related adult has been identified as the most widespread form of sexual penetration
·         Sexual assault-
·         Sexual molestation
·         Sexual grooming

v  Effects of abuse in a child
Physical harm
Neurological and psychological damage
Post-traumatic stress

v  Legal loopholes

 There is no central law on child abuse

v  Our biblical mandate
Matt.18:4, 5, 6.

v  Challenge
 Enormous problems demand enormous solutions
Will you remain silent?
Or do you have the courage to make a difference and standup

                                        26th August,2009 (Wednesday))
Perspectives on Children and Their Develoment
Rev. Lawrence Mangalrajan

v  Major Themes




v    Child in Creation

                     Gift  of  God - Psalm 127: 3-5
                     Image of God – Gen. 1: 26 & 27
                     Choice before the creation Eh. 1: 4
                     Our very hair is numbered Math 10:30
                     Blessedness of children  - OT language

v Children & Fall
·                     Pain in childbearing  Gen 3:15
                     Children at risk of deprivation 2 Kings 5:1-6
                     Jesus’ birth -  4 depravity
                     Birth related risk – cattle shed
                     Risk of being killed by herod
                     Refugee – exodus

v    Child and Restoration…. 

Child and the Kingdom of God
v     What is Kingdom of God

                   Dynamic reign OR Kingly rule of  GOD – Sphere in which the rule is
                   Essence  – Is acceptance of His rule
                   Qualities- righteousness/joy/peace…
                   Kingdom Belongs to all –open for all
                   People of God’s rule, who enter it, live under it and are governed by it.

v    Children and Kingdom of God

                        Children as recipients of Kingdom Mark10:13-16.
                     Children as a model to the Kingdom  Mark 10:15.
                     Welcoming the child inaugurates the Kingdom  Mark 9:33-37 –informs social practice toward children & they strengthen the faith in Jesus.
v    Isaiah’s vision
                     V 20 – Longevity of Life
                         -  No  IMR
                     V 23 – No child labor (misfortune) –children enjoying their childhood. CRC.
                     Child Friendly Atmosphere.
                                                              27-08-2009 ( Thursday)
6th Session
Mrs. Mary Paul   ( Vathsalya Organization)

Holistic Child Development – Psychological perspective

o   For Holistic development it is the need of family and parents
o   All children have right to be protected
o    Categories of Children who may be without parental care
o    Changes in attitude of care givers ( Foster parents willing to care for the severely challenged . Foster care/home  is better than the orphanage)
o    Adoption- Child gets legal status. Natural inheritance
o     Changes in perception
o   Change in policies
o   Need to converge (Govt.  Dialogue  with NGO’)

v  The five love languages of Children
·         1. Physical Love
         Physical Touch- Hug- Age wise
·         2. Words of Affirmation-
               Words of Praise,
              Words of encouragement,
              Words of   guidance
·         3. Quality time
           Being together
           Story telling and conversion
           Planning for quiet time
·         4. Gifts
          The grace of giving
·         5. Acts of service
           Making service appropriate to                                                                 age.
            Being role models
v  Obvious things about Children
o   They are Children
o    They tend to act like  children
v  How to communicate your love to Children
v   Effective control of your child’s Behavior-
v  Issuing commands- Negative means of control- Less effective
v   Punishment-  correction should be free from your feelings (Angry)
“We want to see our children to behave well.”
     Love Tank- Fill them with Love again and again
     Children are our extension

Imp. Question!

       What would you do if a child is seen in streets and abandoned?

7Th   Session                                   
 D.R.J.Prasad Phillips

Caring Child care givers: Issues and Challenges

v  Biblical foundations: Child care, Service and Mission
·         The importance of Children
·          Service and Child care
·         Child and Church
Ø  Image of God
Ø  Children in the church and outside the church
Ø  Children Friendly Churches ( time of Lord Supper distributing chocolates)

v  Mission and Children
Ø  Children objects and subject of Mission
Ø   Children should  be in our mission agenda
Ø   Children should have major role in many      many families
Ø   Family transformation through children-
       ( Mal.3: Last verse)
Ø   Children needs parental care
Ø   How children can play the role of fathers/ mothers when they grow up

v   Child care: People and policies
·          Policies, People and partners
Ø   Church/NGO’s- Organized/unorganized
Ø  Sunday School
Ø   Child protection policies?
Ø   Practical programs outside of the church?
Ø   Parents with single children
·          Help and Support
·          Child Care Givers in the Church
Ø  Sunday School Teachers
Ø  Children- 4/14 window
Ø   Committee members
Ø  Pastors
Ø  Congregation

v  Training and it’s challenges

·         Methods and Models
Ø  On Job training
Ø   Special seminars/consultations/Advocacy
·         Issues and challenges
Ø  Theological seminars
Ø  Course books
Ø   Modules
Ø   Trainers
·         Training the trainers

                            Who are the child care givers?  Church

27TH August,2009 (Thursday)
Dr. Sarasu Thomas

Religion and Juvenile justice

v  Religion   as a right

 It is both a civil and political right
·         Who is a child?
            Not attained 18 years old (  Less than 18 years old)
·         The unit
v  Religion and Children
 In India, every child is assigned a religion at birth and the law pertaining to that religion is applied
 A child may thus belong to a particular religious group by
Ø   Birth if both parents belong to the same religious group
Ø  Birth if one parent belongs to a particular religious group and the child is brought

              India has the following rights which are relevant in the context of religion
Ø  Freedom of thought and expression
Ø  Freedom of beliefs
Ø   Freedom of religion including the right to practice, propagate and preach
Ø  Protection from exploitation

v  Rights of Cultural groups
Ø  To  set up and administer educational institutions

v  It Is  unfortunate that, many religious beliefs are also
Ø  Patriarchal- Superiority of males over females
Ø  Insular- Creating a strong sense of keeping away from “the other” among children
Ø  Stereotyping- creating prejudices on many lanes right from worship modes, clothing, food references and others

v  Religious practices which are downright harmful
·         Sati
·          The Devadasi  system
·          Female circumcision/FGM(female genital mutilation)
·         Tonsure
·         Prohibition of contraception
·          Denial of medical care

v  The Child Rights Convention- 1989
·         Autonomy
·         Best interest of the child principle
·         Child participation

v  Child has a right
·         To chose religion

In India however, children are not given right to choose religion

v  Due to pressure from religious/ cultural groups, we still have
·         Child marriage
·         Dowry
·         Sexual selective abortions ( Gender finding)
·         Illiteracy and school drop outs

v  A Child is seen as

·         A future citizen who will be vested with important rights to vote
·         A Future adult who must be appropriately socialized to fit into the role her community has envisioned
v  A child is not seen to
·         Fulfill any role now
·         Have any voice now
·         Have any rights now

v  Cutting across religion we see
·         Child sexual abuse both at home
·         Corporal punishments sometimes leading to death
·         Discrimination against girls

 Very rarely parents are hauled up because
             Children are seen as the property of their parents
Law governing child violence
Criminal laws dealing with offences against the person assault, battery

v  Juvenile justice Act,2000
Defines cruelty to the child
 Provides for a system of termination of parent rights
Provides for children in need

v  Religion can play a positive role
·         Challenging stereotypes
·         Being watchdog against Child abuse
·         Setting up institutions like schools, hospitals etc to further the best interest of the Child
·         Recognizing the right of the child to participate in and exercise her own opinions on matters of religion
·         Giving the child an identity in a multicultural world

                               Concluding Remarks- Dr. Mani Chacko ( Director-ECC)

                        Text:  Matthew.25:41-46
                                      I was hungry,
                                      I was thirsty,
                                      I was a stranger,
                                      I was sick,
                                      I was in prison,
                                      I was naked
                                                                  What you did?
                          What will be the answer?
*      4 Principles for reading the Bible

        1. Principle of Going beyond  
                          Think relevantly, Be in   context of   today
                                2.  Principle of Critical and theological imagination –
                                                 Invent the insights
                                3. Principle of engage in liberating enterprises-
             Contemporary  Issues like poverty, child labour, abuse
                                4.  Principle of relive and review/ revision