National Seminar on Christian Leadership and Management: Retrospect and Prospect
January 19-21, 2011
The seminar on Christian Leadership and Management: Retrospect and
Prospect was organized by Indian School of Ecumenical Theology began with the
welcome and introduction by Rev. Reji
Samuel, the Coordinator of the seminar, who reminded about the relevance of the topic in
relation to the present time and emphasized
the purpose of the seminar. The inaugural address was delivered by Rev. Dr.
Mani Chacko, Director, Ecumenical Christian Centre. He set forth three images
of God in the Bible to define leadership. God as a Monarch, God as a servant
and God as Trinity. God is a community of persons, and interdependent. The whole community participates in
leadership in delegation of power,
freedom of expression, interdependence and a sense of togetherness as well as
ownership. This style of leadership is called: Democratic – communitarian
leadership. Prof. S.D. Tyagaraj Dean, Xavier Institute of Management , Bangalore , delivered the Key Note address on ‘Understanding Leadership
& Management,’ In the afternoon Rev.
Dr. J.B.Jeyaraj dealt with Christian Leadership & Management: A
Biblical Perspective He also dealt with
‘ Theological Education and Leadership
second day began with the worship and
Mr. Lijo John challenged the participants
to be servant leaders. Prof. Dr. Siga
Arles Director, CFCC, presented a paper on the topic, “Leadership of
Independent Churches and Organizations: Family & Individual controlled
Organizations” critically described the
important characteristics of independent churches and organizations. Further he
analyzed various leadership patterns in the independent churches and
organizations with case studies.
Moreover, he brought out some proposals and suggestions for improvement
of leadership style in independent churches and organizations.
Dr. Moses P. Manohar, Director of ICSA, Chennai, in his paper ‘Retrospect of Post Independent
Christian Leadership’ compared the
Indian democracy with Indian church portrayed
following findings:Lack of political space
during independence struggle, Institutionalization of the church, Minority
consciousness, Political aversion, Loss of Mission, Feudalism. He suggested two
ways in which Christian leadership can grow.1)Democratization of church 2) People
centered Theology.
Fr. Dr. M.K. George, Director , ISI , presented on topic: Issues of Management: Power,
Time, Conflict, Finances highlighted hard
power and soft power. He stressed the need for developing the soft power in the
churches that believes in inclusiveness ,transparency, accountability ,dialogue, and Diversity. Adv. Samson Rajprakash dealt with the topic
Management of the Property and Assets of Indian Church: An examination bringing
a case study from his own church and challenged people to stand together.
The third day began with Eco
friendly Worship led by Rev, Chittranjan Polson. The Panel discussion led by
Fr. Faustino Lobo, Co-ordinator, KEPPC and Mr. P.N. Benjamin, Member of
Karnataka Minority Commission was very informative and interactive, bringing
the seminar into its culmination. After
the presentation of Drafting committee, the seminar came to a close with the
concluding remarks by Rev. Dr M. Mani Chacko and vote of thanks by Rev. Reji
Leadership and
management of the church in India has deviated from biblical principles which
has ruined the real image of the ‘Church’ to be ‘salt’ and ‘light’. We affirm
that leadership and management must lead towards fruitful and meaningful ways
where the church will be a prophetic witness growing in the likeness of Christ.
We the participants of the seminar assert that the need of the hour is to have
‘Christ-centered,’ ‘participatory’ and ‘servant leadership’ to lead and manage
the Churches and Christian organizations in India .
January 2011
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