Joint consultation by the Indian School of Ecumenical Theology, Ecumenical Christian Center with ANDHRA CHRISTIAN THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE
Rev. Dr. Reji Samuel Dean of ISET, welcomed
and introduced the program. Rev. Dr. Cherian
Thomas, Director of ECC has inaugurated the 2days Seminar. Mrs Sapna deliveried
a lecture on Understanding Indian Constitution
Dr. Y. Moses in delivered a challenging lecture on Understanding Minority
Rights especially about article 29.
In the session for
religious dialogue Prof.
Dr. H.S. Bhatia represented Sikhism and
Prof Dr. Abdul Islam and Rev. Dr. Cherian Thomas on
Rev. J.R. Paul Singh for delivering a
lecture on environmental issues with biblical ideas such as Messianic, Eucharistic, & A Social Oikos which
enlightened us about how God The
Creator Loves His Own Creation.
Patterson who delivered a wonderful & Interesting lecture on listening to
the Issue of Children who are facing a lot of risk and sexual abuse as well as
exploitation. The power point presentation gave us a lot of statistical
information and about his organization.
Rev. Chiittranjan Polson, ECC for starting the
Seled the group in a “ECO FRIENDLY
DEVOTION” on the lawns. It was a pleasant and a special experience for
all of us spending devotion time in midst of all this Greenery Nature. It made
us to realize how much care we have to take in protecting the valuable nature
which God has given has freely.
We are thankful for the opportunity of Planting a Tree in remembrance of our memorable visit
to ECC.
We would like to thank Rev.Dr. Cherian
Thomas for his wonderful lecture on “Kingdom
of God” made us to learn and think more in a New Perspective view.
Rev. Dr. Jones Muthunayagom prof at UTC gave a lecture on “Ecumenism/wider Ecumenism” connecting
with election and covenant in O.T which gave new dimensional ideas of thinking
We are grateful to Sama Shri for her
lecture and open dialog on listening to the issues of “TRANSGENDER”. We learnt
so many unknown truths & Facts about the issues like Sex, Sexuality & Gender. I thank ECC for organizing like this
rare program in this seminar.
Rev. Manoj from Gurukul Chennai presented a lecture on analyzing the Media through print media & Multimedia, gave us a
broad idea to think about the present News Papers & Multimedia which also clarified lot of doubts.
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