Gender Issue: Challenges of Change, Faith and
ECC Whitefield, Bangalore Oct: 08-10, 2012
Welcome: Rev. Dr. Reji Samuel, ECC, welcomed
the participants to the event. In his introductory speech, stressed upon the
need for this consultation on gender issues in the current social situation. He
also explained the program structure, a briefing on the schedule and facilities
available for the participants at ECC.
Inauguration: Rev.Dr. Cherian Thomas, Director ECC.
Looking at the program schedule of the event, the Director stressed the need to
understand, analyze and bring about changes to the gender situation, by
applying the attitude of Jesus Christ, and thoroughly read the activities of
Jesus, as elaborated in the New Testament.
Jagdish Gandhi, VIDS (Vellore Institute of Development Studies) greeted
all the participants and congratulated ECC for organizing this gender
consultation, and he felt this to be a very important initiative.
Rev. J. R. Paul Singh, Deputy
Director, ECC,
provided an introduction on the origin, and activities of the ECC. The core
philosophy of ECC is “All human beings are one irrespective of caste, creed,
religion or community”.
Session I: Women,
Culture, Development & Social change: Emerging issues and debates
Dr.Jayachitra, Tamilnadu
Theological Seminary, Madurai
Points elaborated in this address:
- Differences between men and women are of two
kinds: a) biological differences termed as sex b) Social differences
termed as gender roles, based on social norms and practices
- Empowerment of social change is a reality and
this reflected by peoples’ movements in environment, gender equality,
through these movements concept of creative society emerges, in which
contradictions become articulate and active
- Empowerment of women for social change requires
development of inner strength and control. Productive power creates new
possibilities and actions without domination, and further power exercised
with a sense of whole well being of individuals and societies.
II: Role of Religion in Promoting Rights & Welfare of Women- A critique
, Tamilnadu Theological Seminary, Madurai
Key Points:
- First Creation story in Genesis considers equality of man and woman,
equality of human beings, the second creation story in Genesis states that
Woman was created from Man, after God created Man on his own image,
whereas the Hebrew Scriptures states “Woman as Covenant” playing a
complimentary role to man without ideas of domination or subordination to
man. In Jesus, we can realize the Agency of Humanity and equality of
- Role of Church to change from being a Power
Center to an Agency of Social change to break social distinctions based on
Session III – Women,
Media & Globalization-Dr Annie W.S., GLTC , Chennai
- History
of Media: Mass
media is 500 years old, and consists mainly of newspapers, magazines,
television, radio, movies, internet, mobile phones, facebook, and emails
- Globalization: a phenomenon that crosses and
erases geographical and political borders. It is about concentration of
profit and power in certain parts of the world and with certain people
- Women
in Media: Mass
media portrays women as home-based, submissive, sex objects, dependent on
men and other roles given to them, Mass media moulds the perception,
attitudes, opinions, behaviours, habits, lifestyle of the consumers
Solutions and Peoples’
strategies for Media:
- Develop
a non-commercial culture to inform the public ,Offer critique and
evaluation of existing structures
- Make use of media for peoples’
benefit for educational, entertainment, and information purposes and build
counter culture and media with Christian values
IV Role of Laws in Gender Empowerment: A
critique-Dr. Sarasu Esther Thomas, NLSI, Bangalore
- Personal
Law: Though
by Constitution of India, Men and Women are equal in all respects as
citizens, the constitution mandates equality before the Law and equal
protection of the Law, however, there are differences in Personal Law
relating to gender based on Religion, Sex, Caste, Geography, Local
customs, and Tribal Laws
Issues pertaining to Public–Private Divide:
The way forward is law, policy
and society working together
October 2012
Session V- Equality of Man and Woman as reflected in
Genesis 1 and 2
Bible Study: Rev. Dr.R.L. Hnuni, Mizoram
- She emphasized that the
two creation stories provide bibilical basis for equality of men and
- Adam was created in
God’s image and God’s likeness, which is often misunderstood and distorted
as man alone bears God’s image but woman does not
- Adham consists of male
and female hence woman as well man has God’s image and likeness and has
equal essence, that should not be distorted
- The view of women has been
grossly mis-interpreted, by Saint Augustine, and Thomas Aquinas, as they
have understood the Genesis story in a male biased manner. “Fit for Him”
is often misinterpreted as connoting inferiority of woman. The Hebrew word
for helper is ezer carries no subordinate connotation.
- The Genenis 2 the word
“helper fit for him” Rather it is a word used for God only, hence it has
dignity of high status.
- “Fit for him” in Hebrew
is “Kenegdo” which means equal to him, “opposite to him” or “corresponding
to him”, it does not have any subordinate connotation. Hence woman has a
high and dignified place in God’s creation.
- The name of Adam’s wife
is “Hawa” which means living or life, it is wrongly rendered Eve the
origin of which is difficult to trace
- The need of the hour is to correctly understand
the scriptures as God bestowing equal rights and faculties to man and
woman without concepts of domination or inferiority for the female gender.
Session VI- Issue face by Girl Child in India
Prof. Dr.
Nalini Arles, UTC
- Female infanticide,
pre-natal sex determination, discrimination against female child, malnutrition,
lack of education, absence of medical care are the common issues faced by
girl children in India. Equal access to employment, income and social
status largely denied to girl child.
Session VI- Violence
against Women
Ms. Celine,
Violence against women occurs at various levels starting with the family
in terms of discrimination, sex abuse, child labour, child marriage, child
widows. At the community level women are treated as sex objects of
gratification, and sole purpose of woman is to serve male masters. At the
government level, policies, judiciary, law enforcement is biased against women,
and the implementations of women protection laws are very poor. Religion also
accords secondary status to women and does not provide equal access to God, and
Session VII-
Role of Women in Church & Society in North East-Issues and challenges
Rev.Dr. Hnuni,
- With few exceptions the
8 states of North East are primarily patriarchal in nature, and women are
abused, neglected, mal-nourished. Derogatory terms are used to refer to
women, and even in matrilineal societies, men dominate behind the scenes,
despite formal inheritance accorded to women. The church at the community
level is bringing changes, while higher authorities in the Church are
unwilling and resistant to providing equal access to women.
Session VIII-
Panel Discussion- Gender Issues
Islam – Ms
Reshma Pervez, Disabled persons- Ms Madhu Singhal, Tribal – Ms Atula Tzudir,
The muslim women are discriminated, with strict enforcement of dress
code, early adolescent marriages, and rural muslim women lack access to
education and employment
Disabled – The women with disability
suffer from multiple discrimination- Physical, social, gender based, and even
among the disabled there is gender bias in providing relief and rehabilitation
to women. Women centric institutions to cater to physically disabled women is
absent across the country, the serious efforts from community, government and
NGO’ s are required to rectify the situation.
Tribal (Nagaland) – As in other parts
of North East , Nagaland is male
dominated society, and women bear the brunt of rape in the course of tribal
wars, and government armed forces. Wide spread discrimination at home, work
place, education is prevalent
Session IX – Response to Gender Issues in the Early
Church: Bible Study
Rev Dr. Allan P, UTC, Bangalore
- Critical reading of the scripture is necessary to
un-entangle the messages
- Recognize the conflicting women domination v/s
women equality portrayals in Genesis, Revelation, and in the New Testament
- Recognize that there have been deliberate attempt
to relegate secondary role to women in the creation / propagation of
Biblical texts
Session X –
Towards a Holistic understanding of Gender
Rev Dr.Cherian
- Man and woman belong to a single humanity in the
eyes of God
- Man and woman are joint heirs of the Grace of
- Both Man and Woman are Preists and chosen race,
should not be interpreted in the scriptures are signifying chosen race
belonging to only Man or a single race / nation.
- Practice of domination, women’s’ subjugation
leads to Loss of Unity and loss of eternal life and salvation.
- In the Unity of Christ all men and women are
equal there are no distinctions of man / woman, slave or master
Proposal / Resolution from participants of the
National Conference of Gender:
Individual Level:
- Take measures to develop Gender sensitivity, and
critical outlook towards current customs and practices in our homes,
churches, organization.
- Educate family members on gender issues
- Conduct all family and community decisions based
on gender justice and equality
- Refuse sex determination, and resolve not to
practice infanticide
- Stop all gender discrimination at the work place
and provide equal access to income, promotions and career
Family Level:
- Stop all discrimination towards female gender,
girl child
- Provide equal access to male and female members
in medical care, nutrition
- Inculcate the culture of providing pre-marital
counseling and sex education to both male and female members of the family.
- Provide support for the girl child for education,
employment and empowerment
- Oppose domestic violence- verbal, emotional,
moral and physical
- Report abuses to the authorities without fear or
- Encourage female children, to decide on
education, career and marriage and practice a non-interference policy,
restore the reproductive rights to women
Level (Church & other organizations)
- Educate and sensitize the community
- Fight for the equal right for women
- Implement all women friendly laws , policies and
programs designed by the government at all levels starting at the village
panchayat / municipal corporation
- Encourage women to actively participate in
community affairs including elections and political office
- Build discussion forums to build dialogue with
social, political, spiritual organizations, to empower women
- Support womens’ movements towards equal
opportunity and rights
- Strictly enforce women protection laws, form
vigilante groups to monitor abuses, violence
- Irrespective of religious denomination, fight for
the rights of women to provide equal access and opportunities in religious
institutions and ensure equal social status,
- In the current situation, we need to promote
advocacy for establishment of women’s’ shelters, hostels and employment
facilities for women who are victims of domestic violence / abuses at the
village / urban wards
- Launch peoples’ movement for realization of 50%
opportunities in all government, non-government, spiritual, social and educational organizations, and not
treat this as a reservation system, but as an inalienable right of the
women citizens of India. Particular focus must be devoted to catering to the
needs of the displaced, dispossessed and marginalized women
- Advocacy campaigns to be launched to force
government to allocate budget, funds and sponsor programs to promote
gender sensitivity, familiarize population with legal recourse in case of
discrimination / violence / abuse.
- Legal reforms need to be initiated to provide
free, fair, easy and transparent legal help for victims of discrimination
- Build citizens groups to monitor implementation
of women protection and promotion policies / programs and report
non-compliance and misuse to authorities as in the case of enabling
disabled women to reclaim their rights and privileges.
The National Consultation expresses its solidarity to
all womens’ movements in India especially to Irom Sharmila who protesting against Army
atrocities in Manipur, Womens’ movement in Koodankulam against the Koodankuam
nuclear plant, and at Vilappil Sala in Trivandrum. We express solidarity and
support to all peoples’ movements, across a wide range of issues from
environmental concerns, womens’ equality, tribal womens’ struggle for
sustainable livelihood, among many other issues.
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